21 Things That Are Sure To Happen At Your Bridal Shower
Although the years go by, there are always situations and moments that are repeated. Regardless of whether they do it in the place where they live or travel to the other side of the world to carry out the celebration, this will definitely happen at their farewells:
1. They will have a farewell costume, and it may even be the most ridiculous they have found for you.
2. It will be time to relive the university days when you found alcohol everywhere.
3. It will be time to accept your age when you can no longer easily go back up when you are dancing "all the way down"
4. Anyone who attends will end up drinking excessively, even your older cousins who "went to take care of you"
5. If you go on a trip, you will surely forget something important.
6. The bride and her friends will create a WhatsApp group to organize the bridal shower as soon as possible, taking care of every detail.
7. They will also make their own group soon, but the planning will be pushed back to the last minute.
8. They will blindfold you for some surprise.
9. The bride and her girls will be the coolest ever.
10. They will doubt about your sexual condition for prohibiting having a stripper or a Chip n' Dale.
11. They probably set up drinking games you didn't even remember anymore. And they may also regret doing it afterward.
12. More than one wretch will recommend you cancel everything and will even propose to help you run away.
13. Some other unhappy in your marriage will go crazy at the farewell and in the presence of young people.
14. If some of the attendees get along badly, they will arm themselves with words like two pubescents.
15. You will suffer with those macabre and risky ideas that one of your friends may come up with... And what do you hope they don't carry out.
16. Tears will be shed... Many many tears!
17. You will fall twenty of how time has passed and how everyone has changed.
18. Some attendees will take advantage of the moment to deliver great news, taking away the limelight.
19. They probably make you do something you hate.
20. They will surely end up talking about adult topics like age and routine.
21. More than some assistant will tell you that, whatever happens, things will not come out of there.
What's your opinion about it? You should agree because there will be things that will always happen, no matter how much you do so that they do not happen. Better enjoy everything to the fullest!
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